Mostly, there is only one scholarship provided to an individual. This way the right person will get the funds and money will be used wisely. The main reason behind this is to keep funds away from fraud people.
How am I supposed to utilize the scholarship money?
Scholarship money is utilized for the purpose of buying your school textbooks and study material, tuition fee and if any money is left, that is used for your housing. The amount varies in different areas so you are required to check it with your college. Use the money at right place and do not try to trick the system. You can get into legal troubles if you don't remain genuine.
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Who will get the money?
You will not get the funds in your bank account or as cash, rather your institution will receive the funds.
It is the best way to assure that the money is being used for the right purpose. After all your study expenses are met and still if there is any money left, that shall be put to use for your housing.Your college will be able to explain better as every college has different rules for scholarships and grants.
How long is your scholarship valid till?
Majority of such funding is available throughout one academic year. It will meet your college study expenses for one year. But in some cases, that term can be short or long. If you are amongst the lucky people, scholarship can last for several years.
Just when you think that you are going to get broke soon, apply for such scholarships and grants.
These can fund all your studies and you can have a tension free study period!**Update** Did you know you can get a ,000 scholarship for Moms just for registering? Apply right now for free: Scholarships for Moms